
Dev, Ops, etc.

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Tools that I recommend and rely on

🛠️ CLI, automation & build tools

Terminal tools

I spend most of my time in the terminal, so I like to rely on tools tha will speed me up and allow me to simplify complex workflows.

  • Neovim - The best text editor in the world ❤️
  • ripgrep - Blazing fast 🔥 grep alternative
  • fzf - Fuzzy finder
  • jq & yq - For JSON and YAML processing
  • - Cross-platform terminal prompt
  • bat - Better cat, with syntax highlighting
  • eza - A modern alternative to ls
  • delta - A syntax-highlighting pager for git, diff, and grep output

I also rely heavily on the following TUI applications fro ease of use:

Build tools

  • Task - make, but less sucky and data-driven. I use Task as standard in all of my projects to make all of the dev & build workflows discoverable and easy to run.


Security & backups

  • WAL-G (Postgres backups) - Hands-down the easiest way to handle backups on vanilla Postgres instances.

    Ships WAL & full backups to S3-compatible storage and manages pulling backups to restore. You can even configure a replica to stream these WAL entries.



Go is a great language due to its fast compile times :zap:, simple syntax, top-tier stdlib & library ecosystem and unparalleled concurrency model.

While its type-system isn’t as rich as something like Rust or F#, I really enjoy how easy it is to be productive in Go.

  • Echo (Web framework) - My favourite, fully-featured web framework that builds upon net/http

  • Charm log (Logging) - Flexible and colourful logging library with first-class structured logging support. From the amazing team at

  • Cobra (CLI) - The de-facto standard in building rich CLI applications. Provides all the usual bells and whistles (help, autocompletion).

  • sqlc (DB) - Generates types and DB implementations from DDL, allowing a SQL-first experience. Supports Postgres, MySQL and SQLite.

  • Validator (Validation) - Takes the hassle out out of validating your structs.

  • Templ (Templating) - While Go ships with a powerful templating language built-in, it lacks type-safety and can be cumbersome to use due to lack of editor/LSP support.

    Templ resolves all of these issues and compiles down to actual Go code, as well as providing features that parallel the likes of JSX.


Rust is really powerful language that provides high-level, no-cost abstractions (algebraic data-types, traits) with the performance of a really low-level language.

I personally don’t need to eek out every last ounce of performance in my day-to-day usage, but the rich type system allows for safety & expressivity unparalleled by any other language, coupled with a killer macro system to cut out boilerplate.

  • Clap (CLI) - Provides a declarative (macrobased) and imperative API for building rich CLI applications, with help and autocompletion out of the box.

  • sqlx (SQL) - A SQL-first library that also provides compile-time verificiation against a schema.


While I don’t do much F# these days, I still follow the ecosystem because it’s a really powerful, fast and syntactically-light language with a friendly community.

F# was first foray into statically-typed, functional programming and it excels are providing a rich type-system (discriminated unions, interfaces) while also allowing you to still write procedural and OOP when needed.

  • Falco (Web framework) - Compose functions as handlers, computation expressions for ease-of-use and a type-safe HTML DSL.

  • SqlHydra (DB) - Generates types and DB implementations from DDL, allowing a SQL-first experience. Supports a load of DBs.

  • AsyncSeq (Streams) - An async sequence abstraction with custom computation expression and combinators galore.

  • FsErrorHandlingToolkit (Error handling) - An auto-include for any F# project. Provides computation expressions such as asyncResult {}


This category is massive, but I’m going to pick a couple of tools/frameworks I really like

  • Astro - Simple but powerful framework for building static websites with all the usual tooling (JSX & components).
    Also does SSR and island-architecture, but I haven’t touched these yet!